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June 8, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 8, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 8:22pm.  Due to the late start, appointments have been rescheduled until June 22, 2004.   


Mr. Walter Sanborn stopped by and asked if the Board would contact the State and look into having Main Street posted to “no through trucking”.  Selectman DeBold will call the State Department of Transportation.  

Selectman DeBold informed the other Board members that there will be an organizational meeting for the wetlands ordinance committee on Thursday, June 17, at 7:00pm.   Mr. DeBold will be attending.  

Selectman MacCleery asked Lisa to pass along a message to the road agent regarding a washout on Bailey Road located near #21.  

The Board signed the letters of “Notice of Offering for Sale or Conveyance” to the former owner and mortgagee holders for 103 Hilliard Road.  The Selectmen will put the property up for sale by sealed bid, if no response is received back from the related parties.

The Board instructed Lisa to prepare a response letter to Mr. Merullo regarding payment of the impact fee on Map 3, Lot 25B.

Chairman Colbert and Selectman DeBold decided to meet on Friday morning at the Hess Station to measure the amount of signage.

The discretionary easement guidelines will not be adopted until after next week’s public hearing.  The Board would like to hear the input from the public before making any final determination.  Selectman DeBold and Lisa attended an informational talk this morning on discretionary easements, at the Local Government Center.

Selectman MacCleery asked Lisa to confirm the trial date of Monday, June 14, with attorney Mayer.  Selectman MacCleery is not sure he will be able to attend and has spoken to Mr. Meehan, current Board of Adjustment Chairman, to attend in his absence.

Lisa reminded the Selectmen that next week’s meeting would be on Wednesday and that they would need to sign payroll on Tuesday.  

The minutes of June 1, 2004 were approved as written.

The Board reviewed the abatement recommendation from Avitar Associates of N.E., Inc. on Map 10, Lot 9.  The Board asked Lisa to contact Mr. Nichols, from Avitar and ask for further clarification.   

Selectman MacCleery asked if the town had received an assessment inquiry from Mrs. Bartlett on Depot Road.  Lisa has forwarded this to Avitar for review.  Lisa had reviewed this property with Mrs. Bartlett after the revaluation and everything appears in order according to the percentages of cost between the two towns.  The change is due to the fact that Chichester has had the revaluation and that cost has risen, however, she is still being assessed just sixty percent of the building cost in Chichester with Epsom taxing forty percent.  The majority of the land is located in Chichester and is in current use.  Epsom is scheduled for their revaluation this year.  Lisa will send a note to Mrs. Bartlett as to the status of her request.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Page two of two, June 8, 2004